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1x Velký mana lektvar
1x Malý zotavující lektvar
1x Střední zotavující lektvar
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1x Obrovský zotavující lektvar
1x Kámen Gillion
1x Písek hromové řeky
1x Slanina a vejce
1x Sendvič se šunkou a sýrem
1x Arašídy
1x Sušenky
1x Munice pro prak
1x Červené plody
1x Tajemná semínka
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1x Ratolest
1x Křídlo návratu
1x Amulet návratu
1x Zvoneček domova
1x Krmivo pro mazlíčky
Ummm... Netuším... Možná to jednou najdu...
This is where ads will be displayed. I hope they won’t disrupt your experience on the site in any way.
Many people have asked me why I abandoned the project, to which I replied honestly – lack of profit. Each of them suggested adding ads to the site, something I was very reluctant to do. However, I decided it might be worth a try.
A steady profit from the site would likely bring back the motivation to keep developing it, as that would mean encouraging you to visit as often as possible. If you can, please add NosApki to your adblock exceptions – consider it a easy way to support me as the creator. For you, it’s just a few clicks, but it means a lot to me.
I hope you won’t mind the ads too much.