Magic Convertible Random Box
[Drop] False
5 000 Gold
A box which contains a various items including a Magic Convertible with which you can drive through the city.
You will receive one of the following items:
1x Magic Convertible Random Box
2x Tarot Card Game
10x Fairy Booster
6x Ancelloan's Blessing
2x Equipment Protection Scroll
90x Cylloan Spring Water
80x Angel's Feather
2x Release Scroll
2x Medium Special Potion
10x Gourmet Pet Food
Random: 1 / 10
1x Magic Convertible
2x Tarot Card Game
10x Fairy Booster
6x Ancelloan's Blessing
2x Equipment Protection Scroll
90x Cylloan Spring Water
80x Angel's Feather
2x Release Scroll
2x Medium Special Potion
10x Gourmet Pet Food
Ummm... I don't know... Maybe I'll find it some day...