



Level to achieve



Getting FXP



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Quest Rewards
[6Lv] Reach 1st place in the monthly FXP rankings.
[4Lv] Reach 1st place in the monthly family rankings (angels).
[4Lv] Reach 1st place in the monthly family rankings (demons).
[2Lv] Complete 10x Rainbow Battle
[2Lv] Win 5x Rainbow Battle
[2Lv] Defeat any boss in a family raid in Glacernon.
Complete the Chicken King Raid 5 times (1x daily/player).
Complete the Mother Cuby Raid 5 times (1x daily/player).
Complete the Ginseng Raid 5 times (1x daily/player).
Complete the Dark Castra Raid 5 times (1x daily/player).
Complete the Giant Black Spider Raid 5 times.
[2Lv] Complete the Giant Slade Raid 5 times (1x daily/player).
[2Lv] Complete the Robber Gang Raid 5 times (1x daily/player).
[3Lv] Complete the Kertos Raid 5 times (1x daily/player).
[3Lv] Complete the Valakus Raid 5 times (1x daily/player).
[3Lv] Complete the Grenigas Raid 5 times (1x daily/player).
Complete 10 Instant Combats (once per day per player).
[5Lv] Defeat a family raid boss within 10 minutes once the boss room has opened.
[5Lv] Defeat a family raid boss in Glacernon without suffering any losses.
[3Lv] Complete 10 raids as a raid helper (each raid counts only once per day).
[2Lv] Defeat 10 enemies in Glacernon.
[3Lv] Complete the Namaju Raid 5 times (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the Spirit King Raid 5 times (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the Beast King Raid 5 times (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the Belial Raid 5 times (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the Paimon Raid 5 times (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the Revenant Paimon Raid 5 times (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the Valehir Raid 5 times (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the Alzanor Raid 5 times (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete Asgobas' Instant Combat 5 times (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete Asgobas' Raid 5 times (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the Moss Giant Pollutus Raid 5 times (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the Giant Arma Raid 5 times (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the Ultimate Giant Arma Raid 5 times (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the hardcore Mother Cuby raid 5x (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the hardcore Ginseng raid 5x (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the hardcore Dark Castra raid 5x (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the hardcore Giant Black Spider raid 5x (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the hardcore Massive Slade raid 5x (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the hardcore Robber Gang raid 5x (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the hardcore Kertos raid 5x (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the hardcore Valakus raid 5x (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the hardcore Grenigas raid 5x (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the hardcore Draco raid 5x (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the hardcore Glacerus raid 5x (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the hardcore Zenas raid 5x (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the hardcore Erenia raid 5x (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the hardcore Spirit King raid 5x (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the hardcore Beast King raid 5x (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the hardcore Belial raid 5x (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the hardcore Paimon raid 5x (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the hardcore Revenant Paimon raid 5x (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the hardcore Valehir raid 5x (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the hardcore Alzanor raid 5x (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete the hardcore Asgobas raid 5x (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete a hardcore raid of your choice within 5 minutes of entering the boss room (1x daily/player).
[4Lv] Complete a hardcore raid of your choice without any members dying (1x daily/player).
Quest Rewards
Enter 20 Quotes of the Day
Enter 100 Quotes of the Day
Enter 300 Quotes of the Day
Enter 1,000 Quotes of the Day
Enter 3,000 Quotes of the Day
Complete 10x Rainbow Battle
Complete 100x Rainbow Battle
Complete 300x Rainbow Battle
Complete 1,000x Rainbow Battle
Complete 3,000x Rainbow Battle
Win 5x Rainbow Battle
Win 50x Rainbow Battle
Win 150x Rainbow Battle
Win 500x Rainbow Battle
Win 1,500x Rainbow Battle
Defeat 10 Family Raid Bosses in Glacernon
Defeat 100 Family Raid Bosses in Glacernon
Defeat 1,000 Family Raid Bosses in Glacernon
Defeat Lord Morcos
Defeat Lord Morcos 10 Times
Defeat Lord Morcos 30 Times
Defeat Lord Morcos 100 Times
Defeat Lord Morcos 300 Times
Defeat Lord Hatus
Defeat Lord Hatus 10 Times
Defeat Lord Hatus 30 Times
Defeat Lord Hatus 100 Times
Defeat Lord Hatus 300 Times
Defeat Lady Calvinas
Defeat Lady Calvinas 10 Times
Defeat Lady Calvinas 30 Times
Defeat Lady Calvinas 100 Times
Defeat Lady Calvinas 300 Times
Defeat Lord Berios
Defeat Lord Berios 10 Times
Defeat Lord Berios 30 Times
Defeat Lord Berios 100 Times
Defeat Lord Berios 300 Times
Defeat [Hardcore] Mother Cuby 5,000x
Defeat [Hardcore] Ginseng 5,000x
Defeat [Hardcore] Dark Castra 5,000x
Defeat [Hardcore] Giant Black Spider 5,000x
Defeat [Hardcore] Massive Slade 5,000x
Defeat [Hardcore] Ibrahim 5,000x
Defeat [Hardcore] Kertos 5,000x
Defeat [Hardcore] Valakus 5,000x
Defeat [Hardcore] Grenigas 5,000x
Defeat [Hardcore] Draco 5,000x
Defeat [Hardcore] Glacerus 5,000x
Defeat [Hardcore] Zenas 5,000x
Defeat [Hardcore] Erenia 5,000x
Defeat [Hardcore] Kirollas 5,000x
Defeat [Hardcore] Carno 5,000x
Defeat [Hardcore] Belial 5,000x
Defeat [Hardcore] Paimon 5,000x
Defeat [Hardcore] Revenant Paimon 5,000x
Defeat [Hardcore] Valehir 5,000x
Defeat [Hardcore] Alzanor 5,000x
Defeat [Hardcore] Asgobas 5,000x
