Happy New Year Golden Box
[Drop], [Sale] False
500 Gold
A golden box for celebrating the New Year.
It contains a special treasure.
This item disappears at the end of the event.
Random: 1 / 21
1x Karate Gi (30 Days)
1x Police Uniform (30 Days)
1x Nutcracker Uniform (30 Days)
1x Cuddly Tiger Costume (30 Days)
1x Snow White Tiger Costume (30 Days)
1x Magic Garment of Light (30 Days)
1x Magic Robe of Shadow (30 Days)
1x Reindeer Costume (30 Days)
1x Oto-Fox Costume (30 Days)
1x Long Winter Coat (30 Days)
1x Belly Dancer Costume (30 Days)
1x Desert Robe (30 Days)
1x Concierge Uniform (30 Days)
1x Christmas Tree (30 Days)
1x Candy Bow (30 Days)
1x Christmas Bell (30 Days)
4x Movement Scroll
5x Fountain Firework (Blue)
5x Fountain Firework (Yellow)
5x Heart Firework (Blue)
5x Heart Firework (Red)