Provides a X% chance to increase attack power by Y%.


Using items

Magic Bow

Bow of Courage

Steel Crossbow

Crossbow of Courage

Magic Spell Gun


Loon's Wand

Soul Wand

Bow of Peace


Ray Spell Gun


Broken Sword





Great Leader's Cut Sword

Desert Robbers' Bow

Great Leader's Recurve Bow

Great Leader's Magic Wand

Great Leader's Knife

Great Leader's Magic Weapon

Yertirand's Wand

Twisted Yertirand's Wand

Orc Warchief's Sword

Lion Loa Sword

Magic Sword of Belial

Orc Sniper's Bow

Eagle Loa Bow

Belial's Cursed Bow

Warlock's Divine Staff

Snake Loa Staff

Spirit King's Staff

Orc Sekraz Gauntlets

Bear Loa Gauntlets

Beast King's Gauntlets

Beast King's Crossbow

Orc Assassin's Dagger

Bat Loa Dagger

Belial's Knife

Orc Spell Gun

Snake Loa Spell Gun

Spirit King's Eternal Flame

Blessed Sekraz Jade Token

Bear Loa Token

Dragon Bone Sword


Dragon Bow

Breath of Destruction

Dragon Magic Wand

Dragon Soul Wand

Dragon Claw

Frost Claw

Draconian Crossbow

Dragon Crystal Crossbow

Draconian Dagger

Dragon Bone Dagger

Draconian Spell Gun

Freeze Spell Gun

Dragon Jade

Dragon Eye

Steel Fist

Black Fist

Gauntlet of Power

Apprentice Assassin's Gauntlet

Sicario's Gauntlet

Cold Metal Gauntlet

Ladine's Tear

Fenris' Claw

Fire Golem Gauntlet

Chaos Scale Gauntlet

Flame of Ifrit

Sealed Goddess Fist

Divine Fist

Three-Horse Silver Token

One-Horse Gold Token

Magic Blue Dragon Token

Magic Red Phoenix Token

Honourable: Great Leader's Magic Weapon

Honourable: Great Leader's Knife

Honourable: Great Leader's Cut Sword

Honourable: Great Leader's Magic Wand

Honourable: Great Leader's Recurve Bow

Magmoros' Fire Sword

Valakus' Fire Sword

Forgotten Hero's Sword +10

Phoenix Wings

Grail's Wings

Forgotten Hero's Bow +10

Lava Ghost's Wand

Katol's Wand

Forgotten Hero's Magic Wand +10

Blaze Hound's Fang

Kertos' Fang

Forgotten Hero's Dagger +10

Valaket's Breath

Valakus' Breath

Forgotten Hero's Spell Gun +10

Sealed Heavenly Spell Gun

Sealed Heavenly Dagger

Sealed Heavenly Sword

Sealed Heavenly Staff

Sealed Heavenly Bow

Sealed Hellord Spell Gun

Sealed Hellord Dagger

Sealed Hellord Sword

Sealed Hellord Wand

Sealed Hellord Bow

Abyssal Lorten's Spell Gun

Broken Krem's Left Blade

Broken Krem's Right Blade

Seli-Lusha's Branch of Light

Azrael's Wings

Heated Sword

Sawblade Sword

Gearwheel Bow

Steam Bow

Electro Wand

Energy Wand

Steam Gauntlets

Spark Gauntlets

Gearwheel Crossbow

Crossbow Gun

Gearwheel Dagger

Cartridge Steam Dagger

Gearwheel Pistol

Energy Pistol

Silver Gearwheel Shield

Golden Gearwheel Shield
