Probability to receive critical hits is decreased by X%.


Using items

Plunger Hat

Trial Robe

Ray Spell Gun

Brave Defender

Splendid Defender

Cowboy Hat

Morning Glory Hat

Abyssal Eye Bandage A

Abyssal Eye Bandage B

Abyssal Eye Bandage B




Heavy Defender

Robe of Wisdom

Berios' Crystal Robe

Berios' Crystal Tunic

Berios' Crystal Armour

Commander's Heavy Armour

Robber Gang's Golden Tunic

Commander's Leather Armour

Commander's Robe

Sekraz Stone Armour

Lion Loa Sekraz Stone Armour

Orc Warrior Bone Armour

Orc Hunter Leather Armour

Eagle Loa Leather Armour

Dragonscale Leather Armour

Orc Mage Battle Gear

Snake Loa Battle Gear

Robe of Kings

Light Sekraz Armour

Bear Loa Light Armour

Carlio's Wrath Armour

Blue Dragon Scale Armour

Dragonslayer Armour

Draconian Scout Uniform

Dragon Hunter Uniform

Dragonologist Robe

Frost Scale Robe

Draconian Warrior Armour

Dragonslayer Armour

Apprentice Assassin's Armour

Sicario's Armour

Doom Fists' Armour

Desert Robbers' Armour

Akamur Armour

Mysterious Traveller's Armour

Felice's Armour

Lord Cuarry's Armour

Challenger's Armour

Rumial's Holiness

Honourable: Robber Gang's Golden Tunic

Honourable: Commander's Heavy Armour

Honourable: Commander's Robe

Honourable: Commander's Leather Armour

Flame Giant Shell Armour

Katol's Steel Chest Armour

Forgotten Hero's Chest Armour +10

Blaze Hound's Leather Armour

Kertos' Leather Chest Armour

Forgotten Hero's Leather Armour +10

Fiery Phoenix's Robe

Gleaming Grail's Robe

Forgotten Hero's Robe +10

Sealed Heavy Heavenly Armour

Sealed Heavenly Robe

Sealed Heavenly Leather Armour

Sealed Hellord Heavy Armour

Sealed Hellord Robe

Sealed Hellord Leather Armour

Mukraju's Robe

Leather Armour of Silver Soul Glacernon

Cowboy Hat (Limited)

Morning Glory Hat (Limited)

Abyssal Eye Bandage A (Limited)

Abyssal Eye Bandage B (Limited)

Abyssal Eye Bandage B (Limited)

Mining Suit

Steam Ranger Armour

Steam Researcher Robe

Steam Sportswear

Sixth Sense

Fire Hound
