All defences are increased by X%.


Using items

Smart Men's Suit (30 Days)

Smart Men's Suit (7 Days)

Smart Men's Suit (Permanent)

Starlight School Uniform (7 Days)

Starlight School Uniform (30 Days)

Starlight School Uniform (Permanent)

Asian Black Bear Costume (7 Days)

Polar Bear Costume (7 Days)

Panda Costume (7 Days)

Teddy Bear Costume (7 Days)

Hip-Hop Outfit (7 Days)

Noire Black Sportswear (7 Days)

Sunny Sportswear (7 Days)

Coral Pink Sportswear (7 Days)

Fire Sportswear (7 Days)

Bluesky Sportswear (7 Days)

Fashion Sportswear (7 Days)

Hot Pink Sportswear (7 Days)

Denim Clothing (7 Days)

Green School Uniform (7 Days)

Military Clothing (7 Days)

Yellow School Uniform (7 Days)

Forester Outfit (7 Days)

Purple School Uniform (7 Days)

Fire Clothing (7 Days)

Heavy Metal Clothes (7 Days)

Adventurer Clothing (7 Days)

Amulet of Resolve

Asian Black Bear Costume (30 Days)

Polar Bear Costume (30 Days)

Panda Costume (30 Days)

Teddy Bear Costume (30 Days)

Hip-Hop Outfit (30 Days)

Noire Black Sportswear (30 Days)

Sunny Sportswear (30 Days)

Coral Pink Sportswear (30 Days)

Fire Sportswear (30 Days)

Bluesky Sportswear (30 Days)

Fashion Sportswear (30 Days)

Hot Pink Sportswear (30 Days)

Denim Clothing (30 Days)

Green School Uniform (30 Days)

Military Clothing (30 Days)

Yellow School Uniform (30 Days)

Forester Outfit (30 Days)

Purple School Uniform (30 Days)

Fire Clothing (30 Days)

Heavy Metal Clothes (30 Days)

Adventurer Clothing (30 Days)

Asian Black Bear Costume (Permanent)

Polar Bear Costume (Permanent)

Panda Costume (Permanent)

Teddy Bear Costume (Permanent)

Hiphop Outfit (Permanent)

Noire Black Sportswear (Permanent)

Sunny Sportswear (Permanent)

Coral Pink Sportswear (Permanent)

Fire Sportswear (Permanent)

Bluesky Sportswear (Permanent)

Fashion Sportswear (Permanent)

Hot Pink Sportswear (Permanent)

Denim Clothing (Permanent)

Green School Uniform (Permanent)

Military Clothing (Permanent)

Yellow School Uniform (Permanent)

Forester Outfit (Permanent)

Purple School Uniform (Permanent)

Fire Clothing (Permanent)

Heavy Metal Clothes (Permanent)

Adventurer Clothing (Permanent)

Spring Hanbok (7 Days)

Spring Hanbok (30 Days)

Spring Hanbok (Permanent)

Rainbow Hanbok (7 Days)

Rainbow Hanbok (30 Days)

Rainbow Hanbok (Permanent)

Summer Hanbok (7 Days)

Summer Hanbok (30 Days)

Summer Hanbok (Permanent)

Kung Fu Chipao (7 Days)

Kung Fu Chipao (30 Days)

Kung Fu Chipao (Permanent)

Emperor Chipao (7 Days)

Emperor Chipao (30 Days)

Emperor Chipao (Permanent)

Dragon Chipao (7 Days)

Dragon Chipao (30 Days)

Dragon Chipao (Permanent)

Moonlight Kimono (7 Days)

Moonlight Kimono (30 Days)

Moonlight Kimono (Permanent)

Sunlight Kimono (7 Days)

Sunlight Kimono (30 Days)

Sunlight Kimono (Permanent)

Dadami Kimono (7 Days)

Dadami Kimono (30 Days)

Dadami Kimono (Permanent)

Fire Rose Costume (7 Days)

Fire Rose Costume (30 Days)

Fire Rose Costume (Permanent)

Fresh Mint Costume (7 Days)

Fresh Mint Costume (30 Days)

Fresh Mint Costume (Permanent)

Chocolate Costume (7 Days)

Chocolate Costume (30 Days)

Chocolate Costume (Permanent)

Azalea Hanbok (7 Days)

Azalea Hanbok (30 Days)

Azalea Hanbok (Permanent)

Crocus Hanbok (7 Days)

Crocus Hanbok (30 Days)

Crocus Hanbok (Permanent)

Rose Hanbok (7 Days)

Rose Hanbok (30 Days)

Rose Hanbok (Permanent)

Lavender Chipao (7 Days)

Lavender Chipao (30 Days)

Lavender Chipao (Permanent)

Phoenix Chipao (7 Days)

Phoenix Chipao (30 Days)

Phoenix Chipao (Permanent)

Black Chipao (7 Days)

Black Chipao (30 Days)

Black Chipao (Permanent)

Cherry Blossom Kimono (7 Days)

Cherry Blossom Kimono (30 Days)

Cherry Blossom Kimono (Permanent)

Lily Kimono (7 Days)

Lily Kimono (30 Days)

Lily Kimono (Permanent)

Kunoichi Kimono (7 Days)

Kunoichi Kimono (30 Days)

Kunoichi Kimono (Permanent)

Dalmatian Costume (7 Days)

Dalmatian Costume (30 Days)

Dalmatian Costume (Permanent)

Rottweiler Costume (7 Days)

Rottweiler Costume (30 Days)

Rottweiler Costume (Permanent)

Siamese Cat Costume (7 Days)

Siamese Cat Costume (30 Days)

Siamese Cat Costume (Permanent)

Russian Blue Cat Costume (7 Days)

Russian Blue Cat Costume (30 Days)

Russian Blue Cat Costume (Permanent)

Playful Bunny Costume (7 Days)

Playful Bunny Costume (30 Days)

Playful Bunny Costume (Permanent)

Adorable Bunny Costume (7 Days)

Adorable Bunny Costume (30 Days)

Adorable Bunny Costume (Permanent)

Light Lion Costume (7 Days)

Light Lion Costume (30 Days)

Light Lion Costume (Permanent)

Dark Lion Costume (7 Days)

Dark Lion Costume (30 Days)

Dark Lion Costume (Permanent)

Bulldog Costume (7 Days)

Bulldog Costume (30 Days)

Bulldog Costume (Permanent)

Saint Bernard Costume (7 Days)

Saint Bernard Costume (30 Days)

Saint Bernard Costume (Permanent)

Burma Cat Costume (7 Days)

Burma Cat Costume (30 Days)

Burma Cat Costume (Permanent)

Korat Cat Costume (7 Days)

Korat Cat Costume (30 Days)

Korat Cat Costume (Permanent)

March Hare Costume (7 Days)

March Hare Costume (30 Days)

March Hare Costume (Permanent)

White Rabbit Costume (7 Days)

White Rabbit Costume (30 Days)

White Rabbit Costume (Permanent)

Golden Lion Costume (7 Days)

Golden Lion Costume (30 Days)

Golden Lion Costume (Permanent)

Black Lion Costume (7 Days)

Black Lion Costume (30 Days)

Black Lion Costume (Permanent)

Fairy Costume (7 Days)

Fairy Costume (30 Days)

Fairy Costume (Permanent)

Demon Costume (7 Days)

Demon Costume (30 Days)

Demon Costume (Permanent)

Fairy Costume (1 Day)

Demon Costume (1 Day)

Hawaii Costume (m) (7 Days)

Hawaii Costume (m) (30 Days)

Hawaii Costume (m) (Permanent)

Hawaii Costume (f) (7 Days)

Hawaii Costume (f) (30 Days)

Hawaii Costume (f) (Permanent)

Blue Marine Suit (1 Day)

Blue Marine Suit (7 Days)

Blue Marine Suit (30 Days)

Blue Marine Suit (Permanent)

Blue Sailor Suit (1 Day)

Blue Sailor Suit (7 Days)

Blue Sailor Suit (30 Days)

Blue Sailor Suit (Permanent)

Christmas Costume (1 Day)

Christmas Costume (7 Days)

Christmas Costume (30 Days)

Wedding Clothes (3 Days)

Wedding Clothes (7 Days)

Wedding Clothes (30 Days)

Wedding Clothes (Permanent)

Christmas Costume (Permanent)

Magic Garment of Light (30 Days)

Magic Garment of Light (Permanent)

Magic Robe of Shadow (30 Days)

Magic Robe of Shadow (Permanent)

Yellow Party Diadem (30 Days)

Blue Party Diadem (30 Days)

Yellow Party Diadem (Permanent)

Blue Party Diadem (Permanent)

Yellow Party Dress (30 Days)

Yellow Party Dress (Permanent)

Golden Peaked Cap (30 Days)

Brown Peaked Cap (30 Days)

Golden Peaked Cap (Permanent)

Brown Peaked Cap (Permanent)

Golden Detective's Suit (30 Days)

Golden Detective's Suit (Permanent)

Reindeer Hat (30 Days)

Reindeer Hat (Permanent)

Karate Gi (30 Days)

Karate Gi (Permanent)

Easter Bunny Party Costume (3 Days)

Easter Bunny Party Costume (7 Days)

Easter Bunny Party Costume (30 Days)

Easter Bunny Party Costume (Permanent)

Asian Black Bear Costume (7 Days) (Limited)

Polar Bear Costume (7 Days) (Limited)

Panda Costume (7 Days) (Limited)

Teddy Bear Costume (7 Days) (Limited)

Amulet of Resolve (Limited)

Polar Bear Costume (30 Days) (Limited)

Panda Costume (30 Days) (Limited)

Teddy Bear Costume (30 Days) (Limited)

Asian Black Bear Costume (Permanent) (Limited)

Polar Bear Costume (Permanent) (Limited)

Panda Costume (Permanent) (Limited)

Teddy Bear Costume (Permanent) (Limited)

Christmas Costume (1 Day) (Limited)

Christmas Costume (7 Days) (Limited)

Christmas Costume (30 Days) (Limited)

Wedding Clothes (3 Days) (Limited)

Wedding Clothes (7 Days) (Limited)

Wedding Clothes (30 Days) (Limited)

Wedding Clothes (Permanent) (Limited)

Magic Garment of Light (30 Days) (Limited)

Magic Garment of Light (Permanent) (Limited)

Magic Robe of Shadow (30 Days) (Limited)

Magic Robe of Shadow (Permanent) (Limited)

Asian Black Bear Costume (30 Days) (Limited)

Reindeer Hat (30 Days) (Limited)

Reindeer Hat (Permanent) (Limited)

Karate Gi (30 Days) (Limited)

Karate Gi (Permanent) (Limited)

Easter Bunny Party Costume (30 Days) (Limited)

Easter Bunny Party Costume (Permanent) (Limited)

Mini Pet 'Gryphon' (Permanent)

Mini Pet 'Black Dragon' (Permanent)

Mini Pet 'Gryphon' (30 Days)

Mini Pet 'Black Dragon' (30 Days)

Mini Pet 'Gryphon' (7 Days)

Mini Pet 'Black Dragon' (7 Days)

Mini Pet 'Gryphon' (Permanent) (Limited)

Mini Pet 'Black Dragon' (Permanent) (Limited)

Mini Pet 'Gryphon' (30 Days) (Limited)

Mini Pet 'Black Dragon' (30 Days) (Limited)

Mini Pet 'Gryphon' (7 Days) (Limited)

Mini Pet 'Black Dragon' (7 Days) (Limited)

Mini Pet 'Phoenix' (Permanent)

Mini Pet 'Phoenix' (30 Days)

Mini Pet 'Phoenix' (7 Days)

Mini Pet 'Blue Phoenix' (Permanent)

Mini Pet 'Blue Phoenix' (30 Days)

Mini Pet 'Blue Phoenix' (7 Days)

Mini Pet 'Phoenix' (Permanent) (Limited)

Mini Pet 'Phoenix' (30 Days) (Limited)

Mini Pet 'Phoenix' (7 Days) (Limited)

Mini Pet 'Blue Phoenix' (Permanent) (Limited)

Mini Pet 'Blue Phoenix' (30 Days) (Limited)

Mini Pet 'Blue Phoenix' (7 Days) (Limited)


Legendary Hero


Master Trainer

4-Star Collector

5-Star Collector
