All attacks are increased by X%.



Using items

Smart Men's Hat (30 Days)

Smart Men's Hat (7 Days)

Smart Men's Hat (Permanent)

Starlight Hairband (7 Days)

Starlight Hairband (30 Days)

Starlight Hairband (Permanent)

Panda Hat (7 Days)

Asian Black Bear Hat (7 Days)

Polar Bear Hat (7 Days)

Teddy Bear Hat (7 Days)

Rat Hat (Permanent)

Orange Hat (Permanent)

Luxury Flowerpot Hat (Permanent)

Nutshell Hat (Permanent)

Blue Founder Hat (Permanent)

Green Founder Hat (Permanent)

Red Founder Hat (Permanent)

Rat Hat (7 Days)

Rat Hat (30 Days)

Orange Hat (7 Days)

Orange Hat (30 Days)

Luxury Flowerpot Hat (7 Days)

Luxury Flowerpot Hat (30 Days)

Nutshell Hat (7 Days)

Nutshell Hat (30 Days)

Blue Founder Hat (7 Days)

Blue Founder Hat (30 Days)

Green Founder Hat (7 Days)

Green Founder Hat (30 Days)

Red Founder Hat (7 Days)

Red Founder Hat (30 Day)

Amulet of Strength

Ayam (7 Days)

Ayam (30 Days)

Ayam (Permanent)

Empress Coronet (7 Days)

Empress Coronet (30 Days)

Empress Coronet (Permanent)

Flower Hairpin (7 Days)

Flower Hairpin (30 Days)

Flower Hairpin (Permanent)

Hogeon (7 Days)

Hogeon (30 Days)

Hogeon (Permanent)

Asian Hat (7 Days)

Asian Hat (30 Days)

Asian Hat (Permanent)

Ebosi (7 Days)

Ebosi (30 Days)

Ebosi (Permanent)

Panda Hat (30 Days)

Asian Black Bear Hat (30 Days)

Polar Bear Hat (30 Days)

Teddy Bear Hat (30 Days)

Panda Hat (Permanent)

Asian Black Bear Hat (Permanent)

Polar Bear Hat (Permanent)

Teddy Bear Hat (Permanent)

Dalmatian Hat (7 Days)

Dalmatian Hat (30 Days)

Dalmatian Hat (Permanent)

Rottweiler Hat (7 Days)

Rottweiler Hat (30 Days)

Rottweiler Hat (Permanent)

Siamese Cat Hat (7 Days)

Siamese Cat Hat (30 Days)

Siamese Cat Hat (Permanent)

Russian Blue Cat Hat (7 Days)

Russian Blue Cat Hat (30 Days)

Russian Blue Cat Hat (Permanent)

Playful Bunny Ears (7 Days)

Playful Bunny Ears (30 Days)

Playful Bunny Ears (Permanent)

Adorable Bunny Ears (7 Days)

Adorable Bunny Ears (30 Days)

Adorable Bunny Ears (Permanent)

Light Lion Hat (7 Days)

Light Lion Hat (30 Days)

Light Lion Hat (Permanent)

Dark Lion Hat (7 Days)

Dark Lion Hat (30 Days)

Dark Lion Hat (Permanent)

Bulldog Hat (7 Days)

Bulldog Hat (30 Days)

Bulldog Hat (Permanent)

Saint Bernard Hat (7 Days)

Saint Bernard Hat (30 Days)

Saint Bernard Hat (Permanent)

Burma Cat Hat (7 Days)

Burma Cat Hat (30 Days)

Burma Cat Hat (Permanent)

Korat Cat Hat (7 Days)

Korat Cat Hat (30 Days)

Korat Cat Hat (Permanent)

March Hare Hat (7 Days)

March Hare Hat (30 Days)

March Hare Hat (Permanent)

White Rabbit Hat (7 Days)

White Rabbit Hat (30 Days)

White Rabbit Hat (Permanent)

Golden Lion Hat (7 Days)

Golden Lion Hat (30 Days)

Golden Lion Hat (Permanent)

Black Lion Hat (7 Days)

Black Lion Hat (30 Days)

Black Lion Hat (Permanent)

Fairy Hairband (7 Days)

Fairy Hairband (30 Days)

Fairy Hairband (Permanent)

Demon Hat (7 Days)

Demon Hat (30 Days)

Demon Hat (Permanent)

Fairy Hairband (1 Day)

Demon Hat (1 Day)

Hawaii Headdress (m) (7 Days)

Hawaii Headdress (m) (30 Days)

Hawaii Headdress (m) (Permanent)

Hawaii Headdress (f) (7 Days)

Hawaii Headdress (f) (30 Days)

Hawaii Headdress (f) (Permanent)

Blue Marine Cap (1 Day)

Blue Marine Cap (7 Days)

Blue Marine Cap (30 Days)

Blue Marine Cap (Permanent)

Blue Sailor Cap (1 Day)

Blue Sailor Cap (7 Days)

Blue Sailor Cap (30 Days)

Blue Sailor Cap (Permanent)

Christmas Hat (1 Day)

Christmas Hat (7 Days)

Christmas Hat (30 Days)

Wedding Hairstyle (3 Days)

Wedding Hairstyle (7 Days)

Wedding Hairstyle (30 Days)

Wedding Hairstyle (Permanent)

Christmas Hat (Permanent)

Magic Hat of Light (30 Days)

Magic Hat of Light (Permanent)

Pink Party Diadem (30 Days)

Blue Party Diadem (30 Days)

Pink Party Diadem (Permanent)

Blue Party Diadem (Permanent)

Pink Party Dress (30 Days)

Pink Party Dress (Permanent)

Red Peaked Cap (30 Days)

Brown Peaked Cap (30 Days)

Red Peaked Cap (Permanent)

Brown Peaked Cap (Permanent)

Red Detective's Suit (30 Days)

Red Detective's Suit (Permanent)

Reindeer Hat (30 Days)

Reindeer Hat (Permanent)

Karate Hairstyle (30 Days)

Karate Hairstyle (Permanent)

Easter Bunny Party Hat (3 Days)

Easter Bunny Party Hat (7 Days)

Easter Bunny Party Hat (30 Days)

Easter Bunny Party Hat (Permanent)

Pixie Costume (30 Days)

Pixie Costume (Permanent)

Tropical Costume (30 Days)

Tropical Costume (Permanent)

Wizard of Noz Hat (30 Days)

Wizard of Noz Hat (Permanent)

Pumpkin Witch/Pumpkin Knight Hat (30 days)

Pumpkin Witch/Pumpkin Knight Hat (Permanent)

Honeybee Crown (30 Days)

Honeybee Crown (Permanent)

Plague Mask/Hat (30 Days)

Plague Mask/Hat (Permanent)

Precious Dragon Horn Crown

Rocketeer Headset (30 Days)

Rocketeer Headset (Permanent)

Panda Hat (7 Days) (Limited)

Asian Black Bear Hat (7 Days) (Limited)

Polar Bear Hat (7 Days) (Limited)

Teddy Bear Hat (7 Days) (Limited)

Rat Hat (Permanent) (Limited)

Orange Hat (Permanent) (Limited)

Luxury Flowerpot Hat (Permanent) (Limited)

Nutshell Hat (Permanent) (Limited)

Rat Hat (7 Days) (Limited)

Rat Hat (30 Days) (Limited)

Orange Hat (7 Days) (Limited)

Orange Hat (30 Days) (Limited)

Luxury Flowerpot Hat (7 Days) (Limited)

Luxury Flowerpot Hat (30 Days) (Limited)

Nutshell Hat (7 Days) (Limited)

Nutshell Hat (30 Days) (Limited)

Amulet of Strength (Limited)

Panda Hat (30 Days) (Limited)

Asian Black Bear Hat (30 Days) (Limited)

Polar Bear Hat (30 Days) (Limited)

Teddy Bear Hat (30 Days) (Limited)

Panda Hat (Permanent) (Limited)

Asian Black Bear Hat (Permanent) (Limited)

Polar Bear Hat (Permanent) (Limited)

Teddy Bear Hat (Permanent) (Limited)

Christmas Hat (1 Day) (Limited)

Christmas Hat (7 Days) (Limited)

Christmas Hat (30 Days) (Limited)

Wedding Hairstyle (3 Days) (Limited)

Wedding Hairstyle (7 Days) (Limited)

Wedding Hairstyle (30 Days) (Limited)

Wedding Hairstyle (Permanent) (Limited)

Magic Hat of Light (30 Days) (Limited)

Magic Hat of Light (Permanent) (Limited)

Reindeer Hat (30 Days) (Limited)

Reindeer Hat (Permanent) (Limited)

Karate Hairstyle (30 Days) (Limited)

Karate Hairstyle (Permanent) (Limited)

Easter Bunny Party Hat (30 Days) (Limited)

Easter Bunny Party Hat (Permanent) (Limited)

Pixie Costume (30 Days) (Limited)

Pixie Costume (Permanent) (Limited)

Tropical Costume (30 Days) (Limited)

Tropical Costume (Permanent) (Limited)

Wizard of Noz Hat (30 Days) (Limited)

Wizard of Noz Hat (Permanent) (Limited)

Pumpkin Witch/Pumpkin Knight Hat (30 days) (Limited)

Pumpkin Witch/Pumpkin Knight Hat (Permanent) (Limited)

Honeybee Crown (30 Days) (Limited)

Honeybee Crown (Permanent) (Limited)

Plague Mask/Hat (30 Days) (Limited)

Plague Mask/Hat (Permanent) (Limited)

Rocketeer Headset (30 Days) (Limited)

Rocketeer Headset (Permanent) (Limited)

Sweet Chocolate Sword (30 Days)

Sweet Chocolate Sword (Permanent)

Sweet Chocolate Gauntlets (30 Days)

Sweet Chocolate Gauntlets (Permanent)

Sweet Chocolate Bow (30 Days)

Sweet Chocolate Bow (Permanent)

Sweet Chocolate Wand (30 Days)

Sweet Chocolate Wand (Permanent)

Sweet Chocolate Sword (30 Days) (Limited)

Sweet Chocolate Sword (Permanent) (Limited)

Sweet Chocolate Gauntlets (30 Days) (Limited)

Sweet Chocolate Gauntlets (Permanent) (Limited)

Sweet Chocolate Bow (30 Days) (Limited)

Sweet Chocolate Bow (Permanent) (Limited)

Sweet Chocolate Wand (30 Days) (Limited)

Sweet Chocolate Wand (Permanent) (Limited)

Cuddly Dino Head (30 Days)

Cuddly Dino Head (Permanent)

Cuddly Dino Head (30 Days) (Limited)

Cuddly Dino Head (Permanent) (Limited)

Mini Pet 'Gryphon' (Permanent)

Mini Pet 'Black Dragon' (Permanent)

Mini Pet 'Gryphon' (30 Days)

Mini Pet 'Black Dragon' (30 Days)

Mini Pet 'Gryphon' (7 Days)

Mini Pet 'Black Dragon' (7 Days)

Mini Pet 'Gryphon' (Permanent) (Limited)

Mini Pet 'Black Dragon' (Permanent) (Limited)

Mini Pet 'Gryphon' (30 Days) (Limited)

Mini Pet 'Black Dragon' (30 Days) (Limited)

Mini Pet 'Gryphon' (7 Days) (Limited)

Mini Pet 'Black Dragon' (7 Days) (Limited)

Mini Pet 'Phoenix' (Permanent)

Mini Pet 'Phoenix' (30 Days)

Mini Pet 'Phoenix' (7 Days)

Mini Pet 'Blue Phoenix' (Permanent)

Mini Pet 'Blue Phoenix' (30 Days)

Mini Pet 'Blue Phoenix' (7 Days)

Mini Pet 'Phoenix' (Permanent) (Limited)

Mini Pet 'Phoenix' (30 Days) (Limited)

Mini Pet 'Phoenix' (7 Days) (Limited)

Mini Pet 'Blue Phoenix' (Permanent) (Limited)

Mini Pet 'Blue Phoenix' (30 Days) (Limited)

Mini Pet 'Blue Phoenix' (7 Days) (Limited)

Creepy Monk Costume (30 Days)

Creepy Monk Costume (Permanent)

Creepy Monk Headgear (30 Days)

Creepy Monk Headgear (Permanent)

Creepy Monk Costume (30 Days) (Limited)

Creepy Monk Costume (Permanent) (Limited)

Creepy Monk Headgear (30 Days) (Limited)

Creepy Monk Headgear (Permanent) (Limited)

Miner Mask

Mullan Felt Hat

Mini Pet 'Lucky Blue Dragon' (Permanent)

Mini Pet 'Lucky Blue Dragon' (30 Days)

Mini Pet 'Lucky Blue Dragon' (7 Days)

Easter Monarch Costume (30 Days)

Easter Monarch Costume (Permanent)

Easter Monarch Crown (30 Days)

Easter Monarch Crown (Permanent)

Little Rainbow Spirit (Permanent)

Little Rainbow Spirit (30 Days)

Little Rainbow Spirit (7 Days)

Tiny Terror Costume (30 Days)

Tiny Terror Costume (Permanent)

Tiny Terror Hood (30 Days)

Tiny Terror Hood (Permanent)

Mini Pet 'Lucky Pink Pony' (Permanent)

Mini Pet 'Lucky Pink Pony' (30 Days)

Mini Pet 'Lucky Pink Pony' (7 Days)

Mini Pet 'Lucky Blue Dragon' (7 Days) (Limited)

Legendary Hero


Celestial Spire Conqueror

Dragon Hunter


Master Trainer

4-Star Collector

5-Star Collector

Timeless Champion
